Those Moments

We’ve all had those moments.
You know, the ones where someone says or does that thing that feels like they are poking you; saying something on purpose to annoy you, hurt you, piss you off, create utter exasperation… triggering a cascade of emotions and accompanying reactions and behaviors.
Generally, those moments do not end well.
Often for others, but especially for us.
Here’s the thing, most people do not say or do things to hurt us or deliberately wreak havoc on our lives.
There’s a very good reason it may feel that way though.
Quite often, it has a lot more to do with our internal dialogue.
We’ve got an entire tele novella going on in our sweet little heads.
You know, our heads that contain our brains which are supposed to guide us with reason and good conscience.
Next time you have an experience where you notice that, consider being a tad bit dramatic:
Take a moment.
Conduct a little self-check.
Explore whether you might have some chatter going on in your head.
Imagine taking a thick Sharpie and cross out that story arc that you’re so married to. And then, turn it on its head.
Yup-that’s right.
Intentionally think of something positive for every negative thought that comes into your mind.
When your partner doesn’t greet you like a prenaturally cheery Katie Couric when she gets home, your immediate thought might be that she’s still pissed that you didn’t pick up your stuff from this morning.
With your new strategy, you might create the thought that she may need some time to transition from work to home. So you will give her a little space and then you can have a more positive conversation.
It has nothing to do with you.
Believe it.
Harder than doing planks, I know.
But is so necessary to combat those annoying thoughts.
People will respond to you more positively.
You will feel more grounded.
And you will like yourself more than you did before.
It’s really all about you
And how you choose to give meaning to whatever comes your way.