The best way out

is always through

Robert Frost

It’s never
too late
to have a
happy childhood
Tom Robbins
that’s beautiful
has been
that’s how

the light gets in

Leonard Cohen

Our wounds
are often
the opening into
the best and most beautiful
part of us
Tom Robbins

Not until we are lost

do we begin to understand ourselves

Henry David Thoreau


Posted by on August 9, 2019 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Gray

I love the color gray.
Some people say it’s not really a color.
The dictionary defines it as:
A neutral tone between white and black; dark, dismal or gloomy: dull, dreary or monotonous.
This color is so evasive that there are two acceptable spellings—gray and grey.
It is the color of clouds, fog and flannel.
Kind of.
This color is so difficult to articulate,
And it is exactly the reason it is so perfectly descriptive of that which is hard to describe. 
Gray represents the pause,
in words or behavior.
Gray is the inhale.
Gray is the exhale.
It is the in-between
Where the really difficult feelings are buried,
And felt.
The space where we hold on to things that are not meant for us.
It is the expanse where the wrestling occurs.
Gray is the release of sadness, anger and pain.
It represents the unknown,
And the seeking,
The learning,
The feeling. 
It is the blank slate presented to us in which to wrestle,
To learn,
To understand,
To begin again.