The best way out

is always through

Robert Frost

It’s never
too late
to have a
happy childhood
Tom Robbins
that’s beautiful
has been
that’s how

the light gets in

Leonard Cohen

Our wounds
are often
the opening into
the best and most beautiful
part of us
Tom Robbins

Not until we are lost

do we begin to understand ourselves

Henry David Thoreau

Self Love

Posted by on July 14, 2014 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Self Love

Self Love

Cards adorned with pink and red hearts, bouquets of aromatic flowers,

boxes of delectable chocolates wrapped up with red satin bows–the ultimate

expressions of love, right?

Valentine’s Day is a good excuse to talk about love.

I’m not talking about romantic love.

I’m talking about the love you give yourself.

What expressions of love do you bestow upon yourself?

Does that sound wildly preposterous?

Begin by listening to that voice inside of you that is usually the one that tells you how you feel, think and what you really want.

You know, the one that you usually shove aside, because you don’t have time, or don’t want to be bothered.

That internal voice is your inner wise man.

He knows what he’s talking about.

So make time and pay attention.

Nourish the needs that you have through:

Taking care of your body.

Getting enough sleep.

Eating well.

Finding ways to reduce stress.

Setting limits for yourself.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

Acknowledging the gifts you have.

Sprinkling humor into difficult situations.

Spending time with compassionate people.

Forgiving yourself .

Embrace your life.

By giving numero uno some attention,

we let go of anger, shame and blame,

and accept ourselves, flaws and all.

The more we direct love towards ourselves, the more we practice love and acceptance toward others.

It’s a win win.

When you direct love inward, you are purposely creating a more healthy and meaningful life by

living intentionally.

Now about those chocolates…

Give yourself some love.