The best way out

is always through

Robert Frost

It’s never
too late
to have a
happy childhood
Tom Robbins
that’s beautiful
has been
that’s how

the light gets in

Leonard Cohen

Our wounds
are often
the opening into
the best and most beautiful
part of us
Tom Robbins

Not until we are lost

do we begin to understand ourselves

Henry David Thoreau

what I believe




problem solving


Let’s face it, sometimes life can be stressful and complicated.

Counseling is a unique opportunity to focus on ourselves and our relationships, work through difficult issues and find a more comfortable, positive way to be in the world.

One size does not fit all.

Because everyone is different, I practice an eclectic approach to counseling including cognitive behavioral therapy, family systems therapy, art and play therapy and coaching.

You deserve to feel good.

I welcome your calls at 818.319.7006.

If you prefer, please e-mail me at